How to Sprout Grains and Beans/ Cómo germinar granos y frijoles


Sprouting grains (rye, red hard winter wheat, quinoa) and beans (red lentils)
Rinse one cup of the grains or beans three times with filtered water to remove impurities. Place in jar and add enough filtered water so that it doubles the size of the beans. Soak for 8 hours (or overnight). After soaking, rinse again with filtered wáter and allow to sit inside a sprouting bag or jar so that the wáter drains. This will start the sprouting process. Rinse twice a day until a little tail starts growing.

Red lentil salad
3 day sprouted lentils
red onion
apple cider vinegar
olive oil
Chop all these ingredients and mix with the lentils

How to make compost
Place all the vegetable and fruit left-overs in a dark bin and mix with dry leaves. Turn around several times a week and keep it moist. In time, the material will decompose and as a result, the compost will be produced.

Serves as an awesome detoxifier, antioxidant, and to alcanize our blood, to suppress hunger, as a powerful healing agent, even of chronic disease as cáncer, diabetes, etc.
Rinse one or two cups of the red hard winter wheat berries three times with filtered water to remove impurities. Place in a big jar and add enough filtered water so that it doubles the size of the grains. Soak for 8 hours (or overnight). After soaking, rinse again with filtered wáter and allow to sit inside a sprouting bag or jar so that the wáter drains. This will start the sprouting process. Rinse twice a day until a little tail starts growing. After 2 or 3 days the grains are ready to be placed in organic compost inside a flat. Cover the sprouted wheat with a paper towel and water. Cover it and keep it in the dark. Water every day. The third day, lift the cover and allow grains to grow in the light (not direct to the sun). If it’s too humid, don’t water. This is a winter grain, it doesn’t like the heat or humidity. When it grows 7 cm, harvest and juice. It’s the optimal time of the plant.

How to grow kale seeds
Place 3 seeds in the corners of a small container with compost, one inch deep. Cover with the compost and water profusely. Water every day. Move to a bigger pot when it grows.

Cómo germinar granos de centeno, lentejas, quinoa
Remojamos una taza de cada grano o frijol en agua filtrada por 8 horas (primero se enjuaga 3 veces con agua filtrada, y después se le agrega agua suficiente como para que se mantengan los granos tapados cuando aumenten su volumen). Después del remojo, se vuelven a enjuagar y se dejan en una bolsita con agujeritos (como media de nylon) o un frasco con una bolsita arriba, a que se escurra el agua, y el aire comience el proceso de germinación. Dejar que crezca una pequeña colita (dos o tres días).

Ensalada de lentejas rojas
Lentejas germinadas de 3 días
Limón o lima
Ajo picado
Cebolla roja
Cilantro picado
Vinagre de manzana
Aceite de olive

Poner todos los restos de vegetales y frutas en un recipiente a oscuras y mezclar con hojas secas. Darlo vueltas varias veces por semana y mojarlo (no mucho). Dejar que se haga el abono con el tiempo.

Wheatgrass (hierba de trigo)
Sirve para desintoxicar nuestro cuerpo, como antioxidante, para alcalinizar nuestra sangre, para suprimir el hambre, y como poderoso agente curativo, incluso de enfermedades crónicas, como el cáncer, la diabetes, etc.
Lo hacemos con dos tazas de trigo candeal remojadas en agua filtrada por 8 horas (primero se enjuaga 3 veces con agua filtrada, y después se le agrega agua suficiente como para que se mantengan los granos tapados cuando aumenten su volumen). Después del remojo, se vuelven a enjuagar y se dejan en una bolsita con agujeritos (como media de nylon) o un frasco con una bolsita arriba, a que se escurra el agua, y el aire comience el proceso de germinación. Dejar que crezca una pequeña colita (dos o tres días), y entonces ya están listos los granos para trasladar a tierra orgánica para cultivar. Se colocan los granos en la tierra y se cubren con una toalla de papel, que se remoja un poco y se cubre con una tapa. Los dos primeros días deben permanecer en la oscuridad. Se riega todos los días. Al tercer día, se levanta la tapa, y se deja crecer los granos a la luz (no sol directo). Si hay mucha humedad, no regar. Este es un grano de invierno, al que no le gusta ni el calor ni la humedad. Cuando llega a crecer unos 7cm, cosechar para el jugo, ése es el momento óptimo de la planta.

Cultivar las semillas del repollo (col) rizada (kale)
Poner 3 semillas en los bordes de un recipiente con abono a una pulgada de profundidad, tapar con el abono y regar. Regar todos los días hasta que crezca y trasladar a un recipiente más grande.

About Viva la Vida! Live Foods For Life

Sirena Pellarolo, Ph.D.--your second chance midwife--, supports women in their menopause years to reclaim their power from received beliefs about aging, recover their physical, mental and spiritual mastery and dive full-on into a vibrantly healthy, productive and fulfilled second half of their lives. She specializes in weight management through life-changing programs that include DIY detoxifications, live foods and powerful transformational techniques. Sirena believes in autonomous and healthy individuals and communities. As a holistic healer, she models for her clients how to courageously step center-stage in their lives by unleashing their unique personal power, creative self-expression and overall well being. Her bilingual programs inspire individuals to reconnect with their bodies, minds and spirits by going back to the basics of a healthy lifestyle: a personalized nutrient-rich diet, energizing physical movement and a meaningful spiritual practice. The seasonal community cleanses and raw food preparation classes that she has been hosting for several years offer a Do It Yourself hands-on approach to healing through nutrient-dense, plant-based choices. She is currently working on a manuscript that captures this experience titled “Detoxing Our Communities: Using Food As Medicine for a Quantum Grassroots Transformation.” She is a compelling public speaker offering wellness seminars in English and Spanish.

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